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Heavy Duty Compact Truck

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SKU Description Price (inc VAT) Qty  
GI043Y Description: Heavy Duty Compact
Size W x D x H mm: 1255 x 620 x 600
Size when Folded H x W x D mm: 1010 x 595 x 97
Toe Plate Size W x D mm: 590 x 335
Wheels mm: 2 x 200
Load Capacity kg: 200

Three versions available:The ORIGINAL super compact truck model GI033Y which is approved to the European GS Standard.The MINI model GI025Y.The HEAVY DUTY version model GI043Y.

Three versions available:The ORIGINAL super compact truck model GI033Y which is approved to the European GS Standard.The MINI model GI025Y.The HEAVY DUTY version model GI043Y.